Work Safety Engineering Management Oriented To Industries

Legal base

The service offered is based on Chapter V of CLT – articles 154 to 201 of Law nº 6.514 and regulated by the Regulatory Norms (NR 1 – 36).

How to move forward on this issue in a safe and sustainable way

  • Improvements on Safety Engineering through diagnostics and general check-ups:

Characterization of the company and its assets (industrial facilities)

Macro recognition of  working environment and conditions.

Macro identification of aspects related to the prevention of environmental and work risks.

Qualification and quantification of fire safety conditions.

General recommendations and suggested preventive measures – NR’s

  • Implementation or adaptation to NR-10, NR-11, NR-12, NR-13, NR-14, NR-15 and NR-16
  • Analysis of contracts and maintenance of air conditioning systems (air conditioning system, exhaust systems and pressurization of fire stairs: PMOC and  ANVISA).

Reasons to hire service


Take advantage of the hundreds of chances to observe and correct faults / risk situations, while causing neither financial nor physical harm.


Avoid immediate consequences of work accidents, such as: strikes, increase in cost of production, delay in deliveries, suspension or loss of contract, negative image and so on.