Who We Are
The incessant market demand of inspection and appraisal assessorship, in various entrepreneurial ventures, has given birth to APPRAISAL EXPERTS (APERT). In response to the aforementioned, José Luiz Marques, an Engineer, together with other professional colleagues, amalgamated their academic and professional experiences to propose a solution for the problem. This took place in the year 2000. The quest which led to the formation of APERT assessorial activities. We have joined forces with some of our key clients in Brazil and some other countries, to make our services very feasible and reliable, we thank them all.
Our scope of activities, though very extensive, are interlinked. Ranging from qualification of utilities (new and old) to their pecuniary quantification, intracompany and extracompany entrepreneurial negotiations like: acquisitions (partial or total), takeovers, joint venture projects, franchising, import and export of industrial machinery and correlated, privatizations. Vide the company’s portfolio for each segment of our commercial activity.
We therefore serve as a referential arbiter in terms of qualification and quantification of diversified utilities and other patrimonial assets or collaterals, especially for the producing and manufacturing sectors of the economy. In other words, we evaluate to valuate your patrimonial assets of any denomination, hence our motto: Transforming THE HISTORY of YOUR COMPANY into PECUNIARY VALUE. Give us a trial!